The Studio

Rambler Records in a small, independent, recording and mixing studio designed and built by myself, Chris Ingham, for the purpose of creating high-quality recordings on-demand; with the added benefit of being able to continually tweak and improve the sound conditions and tone - without the price tag of renting out traditional studios.

Vocals, Electric & Acoustic Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, and virtually any instrument can be captured, through quality microphones and preamps, in a comfortable, inspiring environment. Drums can also be recorded using an in-house electronic kit, or through one of our partner studios for those using an acoustic kit.

The studio is equipped with an impressive list of music production equipment including WARM and ART Tube preamps as well as microphones from BLUE, Sennheiser, Audio-Technica, and more. Mixing equipment includes WARM Audio outboard gear as well as ProTools and Logic, and UAD, FabFilter, and Waves plugins.




Electric Guitars
Rambler Records specializes in recording superb electric guitar tones. What’s the secret? A specially sound-treated amp closet with speaker isolation cabinets, that eliminate outside noise and allow amplifiers to be turned up to their ‘sweet spot’, and Weber Z-Matchers to allow seamless integration of nearly any amplifier.

Bass Guitars Bass guitars can be recorded direct into WARM Audio preamps, through a Radial, Jensen-equipped, DI box, or through our 1200W Sunn bass amplifier.

Keyboards, Synths, Midi Instruments
From Pianist-accompanied Ballads, Synth-Soaked Funk, Honky-Tonk Piano, to nearly any electric/electronic instrument, you’re covered with WARM Audio preamps, Midi connectivity and top of the line Radial DI boxes specialized for multimedia connectivity.

Vocals & Acoustic Instruments

The isolation booth provides a balanced environment for recording vocals as well as acoustic instruments such as:

  • Acoustic Guitars

  • Folk Instruments

  • Orchestral Strings

  • Brass Instruments

  • Percussion

The signal chain begins with BLUE, Sterling, and Sennheiser microphones and passes through high-quality preamps and hardware from WARM Audio and ART.

Rambler Records uses an Alesis DM8 electric drum kit to trigger SuperiorDrummer2. With over a dozen world class drum kits (and countless combinations), drum sounds can be tailored to the character of the song; with the feel and performance of a live drummer. Acoustic drums can also be recorded at one of our partner drum locations, in Nashville, TN.


Rambler Records also offers writing and composing for songwriters, poets, rappers and anyone who has a vision but needs a little help to make it a reality. We are musicians and songwriters like you and we love to make music and help other artists take their art to the next level.